Shipping information
Shipping Rates:
Abby Pet ships to addresses within the United States.
For all economy shipping fees for orders under $39.99, a flat rate of $2.99 will be applied.
Enjoy free shipping on orders $39.99 and above.
Standard Delivery:
All complete in-stock orders where the credit card is successfully authorized before noon Eastern Time on a business day will be accepted and processed to ship the same day. The order may be shipped in 1-3 business days. All other shipments will be processed the next business day.
Separate Shipping:
At Abby Pet, we may fulfill orders with items from more than one location to ensure prompt delivery. Regardless of the number of shipments you receive, you'll only be charged the amount that was originally provided when you placed your order. You will be charged for each item as it's shipped, but only charged for shipping once.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding shipping, please don't hesitate to contact our customer service team for assistance.
Thank you for choosing Abby Pet for your pet supply needs! 🐾